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Left to right; Peyton Hildebrandt, Tanner Hildebrandt and Regan Hildebrandt

It’s back to school today for many students across the Pembina Valley. It’s official, Summer vacation is over and it’s back to class for another year, and there’s always a lot of excitement on that first day.

14 year old Peyton Hildebrandt is going into Grade 10 at W.C. Miller Collegiate in Altona.

"I'm excited to learn new things," she shared. "I love learning, personally, and my favourite is math."

Her sister, 12 year old Regan, is attending a new school this year for Grade 7, Ecole Parkside in Altona.

"I like going back to see my friends, and my cousin is in my class this year," she said while adding her favourite classes are Art and Phys Ed.

And the sisters younger brother, 8 year old Tanner, is also off to a new school attending Grade 4 at Ecole West Park in Altona.

"To see my friends and playing soccer," is what he's most excited about, while looking forward to gym and music classes.

And for 6 year old Ella Unger, she is being home-schooled as she begins Grade 1.

"Very excited," is how she's feeling today, with music her favourite subject, and a piano at home calling her name. "I'm taking piano lessons."

Peyton, Regan and Tanner also had some advice and encouragement for students starting school today, too.

"Always be open-minded about learning," said Peyton. "You can always learn new things."

"Just keep trying," offered Regan. "If something's hard, bring it home and work on it more, ask a family member."

"Try something more often, and you might get it right," concluded Tanner.

Today is the first day of regular classes for many students in Garden Valley, Border Land, Red River Valley and Western School Divisions.

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Ella Unger getting some practice drawing in ahead of her Grade 1 classes. Submitted photo.

You can listen to the conversation with Peyton, Regan and Tanner Hildebrandt, as well as Ella Unger, below.

Audio file