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Red Deer City Council is hoping to access potential HAF2 funding. (Photo by Cory Knutt)

Red Deer City Council has endorsed eight key initiatives under the Housing Accelerator Fund 2 (HAF2).

The goal is to explore opportunities to boost housing supply, improve affordability, and align with both federal best practices and the city’s strategic plans.

The HAF2 initiatives focus on increasing housing choice by creating complete communities that are affordable, inclusive, equitable and diverse. Each of the initiatives must align with the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s (CMHC) ten best practices, including allowing up to four dwelling units on every residential property within the city.

“This motion today endorses the HAF2 action plan initiatives incorporating the CMHC’s Accelerator Fund ten best practices for use by Administration as guidelines when considering increasing housing opportunities in the Zoning Bylaw,” said Red Deer Mayor Ken Johnston. “If we are awarded the funding, I look forward to a full community discussion.”

The HAF2 action plan includes several steps, such as future zoning considerations to support higher-density development, financial incentives for affordable and supportive housing, and streamlined development approval processes. These efforts are expected to create several thousand units in the next three years.

“Even if HAF2 funding isn’t secured, several of the best practices will be enacted through Phase 2 of the Zoning Bylaw review. However, funding allows us to implement the best practices faster,” said Christi Fidek, Senior Planner. “We’re committed to making Red Deer a leader in innovative and sustainable housing solutions, and implementing the best practices are central to that vision.”

Council's endorsement sets the stage for potential HAF2 funding and future updates to Red Deer's Zoning Bylaw. These updates, particularly those related to residential density and parking, are expected to significantly impact the city’s housing landscape.

All future Zoning Bylaw changes require a legislated public hearing where the public have an opportunity to share their feedback on the proposed change.

The HAF2 application deadline is September 13, 2024.
