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(L-R) Purva Patel, 13, and Katie Courser, 14, collecting donations. (Photo by Cory Knutt)

Lacombe residents flocked downtown Wednesday night to help raise money for a local youth who is battling bone cancer.

The Flat Iron Jazz Band performed at Echo Stage at the Lest We Forget Park at the Lacombe Memorial Center, with those in attendance making donations to help purchase an E-Bike for 12-year-old Lydia Roos.

Katie Courser, 14, and Purva Patel, 13, were onsite helping to collect donations. Katie's mom Cheryl plays saxophone in the band and was involved in organizing the event.

Katie commented on the large crowd that turned out for the concert which raised $2,915.

"It's just amazing. It feels like making a difference, not just like it's sad we'll think about it but actually doing something to help."

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The Flat Iron Jazz Band is comprised of members from Lacombe, Red Deer and surrounding area. (Photo by Cory Knutt)

Purva explained why she wanted to get involved.

"It's such a good cause for someone who has bone cancer, and I thought it would be a great way to get involved in the community," she said.

The Lacombe and District Chamber of Commerce was also on hand, serving cake in recognition of the Chamber's 100-year anniversary.

"Lacombe's known for supporting any kind of fundraiser and when you have a child who is sick, Lacombe comes out in droves and thankfully this is not an exception," said Executive Director Wendy Buyar.

The Mary C. Moore Public Library is accepting donations towards the E-Bike. Lydia also has crafts for sale at the library.
