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Minister Tanya Fir announcing a new Scholarship (screen shot of media conference from September 4th)
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Minister Tanya Fir announcing a new Scholarship (screen shot of media conference from September 4th)

The Provincial government is helping women in Alberta to be better represented in more industries in the province.

They're offering several scholarships to women in school for those industries.

Two of those scholarships are being continued this school year from previous years, those being the Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Scholarship and the Persons Case Scholarship.

The third scholarship announced was the Women in Technical and Applied Arts Scholarship, which will help women enter the film, television, or music industries.

"These scholarships encourage and empower students to pursue careers in STEM, cultural industries, and other fields where their gender is underrepresented," explained the Minister of Arts, Culture, and Status of Women Tanya Fir in a media conference on September 4th.

The STEM Scholarship has been around for four years, and it helps women to get into one of many STEM industries in the province.

The Persons Case Scholarship has been offered to students for 45 years who enter fields that advance gender equality.

For the 2023-2024 school year, the provincial government had awarded 90 students in Alberta for these scholarships, giving them $2,500 each, for a total of $225,000.

"By breaking down barriers and making education more accessible and affordable through these scholarships, Alberta’s government is helping to ensure women have every opportunity to pursue fulfilling, high-paying careers of their choice," said Minister Fir in an accompanying media release.

The new Women in Technical and Applied Arts Scholarship is the first provincially funded scholarship of its type in the country, as a result of discussions the government had with women leaders across the province.

"This annual scholarship will support women wanting a career in the technical arts," said Minister Fir at the media conference. "Whether it is producing music, making movies, or working behind the scenes to support live performances. This includes careers such as sound engineers, cinematographers, camera operators, editors, and digital media producers."

It will go towards women who are pursuing a career in the technical arts, film and television, or music production, and each successful applicant will get awarded $2,500 to go towards their education at a post-secondary institute.

The intake for the Women in STEM Scholarship and Persons Case Scholarship will be open in October, whereas the Women in Technical and Applied Arts Scholarship will be open for applications in January 2025.

20 students will receive $2,500 under the Women in Technical and Applied Arts Scholarship.

This grant is coming at a buddy time for the Alberta film industry, with shows and films like Fargo, The Last of Us, Fraggle Rock, and Jude Law's The Order recently being filmed in Southern Alberta.

To learn how to apply for these scholarships, click here.