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laura morrissette
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Photo by Marna McManus.

Weyburn City Councillor Laura Morrissette plans to run again in the upcoming City of Weyburn municipal election.

Morrissette, who has served on Council for the past four years and also from 2012 to 2016, said she doesn't want the seat on the merit of being a woman, but for her community involvement and connections.

"I want people to believe that I can actually do the job, so I'm really hoping that's why people would vote me back in to be a City Councillor. I am the only female on Council right now, but I think I just bring a different perspective than all of the other gentlemen who sit on Council. Not because I'm female, but because I'm a mom. I have a job."

Avidly involved in the workforce and volunteering in Weyburn has given Morrissette the ability to help community members seeking resources.

"Even if you just want to get involved in the community, whether you want to volunteer or just give some time, I know lots of places who would really be able to make use of people, or I know a lot of organizations that be able to make use of people who have extra time to give."

Morrissette has sat on numerous boards and committees over the years, including the Libraries, the Weyburn Agricultural Society, and the Weyburn Care-A-Van Society.

She said all of the Councillors are proud of the committees they serve.

"That's part of my job, to represent the City on each of those committees, making sure that they get what they need from the City," she noted. "The volunteers that are on those committees work so hard, and I like to give back." 

Morrissette said volunteering with events like Communithon has become a family affair.

"It's funny, I reflected back on my first term, and my kids were so little when I was on council in 2012, I had a one-year-old and a four-year-old, and they've just kind of grown up watching the volunteerism between my husband and I giving back to Access and the Legion and that kind of stuff. They're used to being out and about with me. So it's nice when I say, 'hey, there's this and this coming up library book sale' or something, and they're like, 'oh, hey, yeah, we'll come help with that'."

If elected for another term, she said she plans to continue ensuring the community is provided with a clear picture of what Council is doing. One of those ways is prompting City Administrators, who present during Council meetings, to clarify for the public about various topics under discussion.

"We get our Council packages the Wednesday before, so thank you to Tina and Mathew who give us all of that information, but then that gives me the opportunity to read through the reports, and if I have a question for Renee or for Andrew, I can send that to them so that they have those answers ready when we get to Council," she explained. "I never, ever want to catch anyone off guard or have them say, 'well, I can get that to you later', because, not that they wouldn't be able to get me the answer later, but our meetings are broadcast live, so I want to make sure that the community has the answer as well."

"I have sat in your shoes and I know that there's 'City-speak', or language that maybe the general public wouldn't get, and as a City Councillor, I want to be able to make sure that everybody understands why we've chosen to take one street and pave it this year and not another one."

She said she plans to continue to support City Administration in projects that are already underway, including local improvements and related budgetary allocations, short-term and long-term.

"We're not just going to rip up a street and repave it. We're going to make sure that all of the underground infrastructure is ready to go, because there's no point in repaving something and then having a water main break underneath it six months later. So I think our Engineering department has done a really good job of looking long term," Morrissette said, adding that the same goes for other departments, as well.

She reminded that anyone can contact her with any concerns or questions.

"My contact information is on the City website, and I encourage anybody and everybody to reach out to me. My cell phone number's there. I'm always looking at my emails."

Morrissette said even if you don't agree with what she has stood for, "just get out and vote. That's so important that people know that. You don't have to fill out all six or seven spots. You can vote for one person."

Voting will conclude at the end of day on November 13th, with campaigning set to begin on September 29th.
