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weyburn city council
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File photo of Weyburn City Council.

The agenda for Weyburn City Council’s meeting tonight is a full one, with everything from reports to bylaws, to park proposals.  

The councillors will receive a number of regular reports to the council. This includes the building report, fire department report, public works report and water treatment report. Then, there will be four bylaws that are before the council, two of which are back for changes.  

The first two bylaws concern water, and your utility bill. Council will be voting on proposed changes to the rates which would take effect on January 1st of next year.  

The proposed changes would see an increase of 6.7 percent this coming January, followed by similar increases in the following two years. The report details what the costs of the water system in Weyburn are each year, including capital upgrades. It also states the operations for utilities are funded through the utility rates alone.  

The next two bylaws before the council deal with lane closures that were previously before the council. The lane closures were passed, and then submitted to Information Services Corporation (ISC), but were sent back. In both cases, ISC felt there had been errors made in the applications, so the council will need to reapprove the bylaws with the recommended changes before being resubmitted.  

One of the highlights for many at the meeting will be the unveiling of the plans for the new park at the site of the old Haig School. The plan, drawn up by Crosby Hanna and Associates, will see the park developed over five separate phases. The plan includes a modified cricket pitch, a sports pad and spot for ice in the winter, upgrades to the ball diamonds that are already there, walking paths, a permanent washroom, and more.  

The councillors will also discuss a budget request from the Weyburn Police Commission and an appointment to the Weyburn Police Commission.

The meeting will be in the council chambers at City Hall, starting at 6 p.m.

We will have full coverage of the meeting, on-air and online, starting tomorrow morning.  
