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High River's downtown during the Show and Shine.
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High River's downtown during the Show and Shine.

After some serious thought, High River's Town Council isn't moving forward with the proposed entertainment district.

While the proposal had some positive feedback from residents, there were some issues surrounding the implementation of the bylaw, said Community Development Liaison Officer Jocelyn Dunsmore.

"Due to the issues around the implementation, the administration is recommending that the bylaw be defeated, and the initiative not be proceeded at this time," said Dunsmore at Town Council.

Mayor Craig Snodgrass voiced the same opinion saying they had lots of positive feedback, but the logistics just aren't there.

"That and there are still a few provincial things that make zero sense to me, that you can walk around with a rye and coke, but can't have a Players Light in your hand. It just doesn't add up, they got some work to do," Snodgrass said at the council meeting.

Town council voted unanimously to defeat the proposal.