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thumbnail_Carla Beck, Jared Clarke, Joan Pratchler (Press Sept 9)
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Jared Clarke, Carla Beck and Joan Pratchler at a gathering to announce the intention of a six-month pause in the provincial gas tax should the NDP form government.

NDP Leader Carla Beck is concerned about the cost of living and the mounting financial pressures on many Saskatchewan families. That’s why she’s determined to put a stall on the province gas tax of 15 cents per litre on Day 1 of her government’s tenure should the NDP take this fall’s provincial election.  

“Families are working harder and harder but under Scott Moe they just can’t get ahead,” Beck said. “Instead of trying to lower costs for Saskatchewan families, Scott Moe and his ministers are more focused on million dollar trips to Dubai and limo rides around Paris. They’ve lost touch. 

“Every day I hear from families who’ve had to cancel that summer trip or just can’t seem to make ends meet at the end of the month. That’s why we’re focused on saving you money and putting more money back in your pocket. We will act right away, without delay.” 

Beck says a six-month moratorium on the tax will save the average family $350. The NDP’s release states that the gas tax relief would fall in line with measures already enacted in Manitoba, Alberta, Ontario, and Newfoundland and Labrador. 

Beck has already stated that she plans for no tax hikes during her term, and the release states that she will continue to roll out cost saving measures for Saskatchewan families during the campaign.  
