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Singer/Songwriter Robyn Ashley (middle) with CochraneNow's Eric Ruttle and Lauren Meister.

When it comes to describing her sound, Edmonton-based singer/songwriter Robyn Ashley says her music is a little bit of everything, from country all the way to “Sparkle Rock”

“I was born and raised on country music, which is obviously really great in Alberta, it's such a huge influence in our province. I also grew up with lots of musical theatre influence my music is very energetic, like my personality, but also has a lot of momentum and storytelling.”

“I also take a lot of inspiration from a lot of classic rock pieces as well. So I would say like, my genre is actually more like Sparkle Rock, so to speak.”

Ashley stopped by the 91.5FM CochraneNow studio to show off her single ‘Chasing Red Lights’.

She says the community is welcoming when it comes to being an emerging artist in the province.

“They've been so helpful. There's been a lot of mentors that I've had throughout the industry and just going to networking events and going to the Alberta Country Music [Awards] to go to mixers and stuff like that.”

“You really need people and everyone's really nice and just genuinely wants to help.”

She plans to continue to write and produce music while performing around the province. 

You can keep up with everything Robyn Ashely HERE.
