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(Photo by Natasha Wiebe)

A heat wave has gripped the southeast over the past few days, with temperatures getting into the low- to mid-30s, something rarely seen in September.  

“We have an upper-level ridge over the prairies that is centered basically over in New Mexico,” explained Natalie Hasell. She is a meteorologist with Environment Canada. “The air associated to this ridge is kind of defined by these hotter conditions.” 

While the ridge has lingered, bringing sunshine and heat to the region, it isn’t expected to remain in place for much longer. The system should start to move off after today, but not before coming close to setting a new mark for the hottest September 9th on record. The old one was set when the mercury reached 35.1° in 1994. The forecast for today is an even 35°. 

“Enjoy it if you can,” Hassell said. 

After the heat dies off overnight, temperatures for the rest of the week are expected to be a little closer to seasonal, but still slightly above average. The system that will be bringing those cooler temperatures will also bring a possibility of precipitation. The forecast is calling for a chance of rain Wednesday night, Thursday night, and Friday. However, Hassell thinks we could see a little bit more than just that.  

“I’m not quite sure why we don’t have showers on Thursday during the day in the forecast,” she pondered. “It wouldn’t surprise me if we do end up with a chance of showers.” 

Hasell added the weather will also bring a good chance for people to get some of those things done around the house they haven’t had the chance to do but want to get done before the seasons truly change.  

Author Alias