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Cochrane McDonald’s and CochraneNow have teamed up to share some great stories and coffee with the McCafe Coffee Break! 

Today, CochraneNow's Eric and Lauren headed into Kingsmith Builders to surprise the entire team with McCafe coffee and cookies to brighten their Tuesday morning.

Kingsmith was nominated here and this was attached to the nomination. "Craig Weins and his team are an amazing group of people that go above and beyond for their customers. They take the time to get to know the homeowner and build lasting relationships with them."

"Additionally, the trades that Kingsmith works with to build and renovate homes feel deeply appreciated, trusted and respected. Craig treats his trades fairly, which helps to create a great product for the home buyer. Huge kudos to Craig and the Kingsmith team. They're an amazing group of people!"

Every Tuesday, Cochrane McDonald’s and CochraneNow make sure a local business or organisation is properly fed and caffeinated with the McCafe Coffee Break. You can send us a nomination for the next Break here.
