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Mayor Roy was elected to his first term in 2016 (File photo)

Mayor Marcel Roy has announced he will be running for a third term in office. He offers his highlights from the past two terms including infrastructure, recreation, industry and community developments. 

One of the first projects completed in Roy’s time as mayor was seeing through the repairing of the water treatment plant after the project was started by the previous council. He says similar developments have continued throughout his time as mayor. 

“That has carried on through these last four years, we've been doing lots of infrastructure, new water mains, a lot of new sewage mains as you can see on 16th Street, storm sewer line mains, there's a lot of that going on.” 

Roy also mentions the plans he laid resulting in the building of new sidewalks and pedestrian ramps, alongside gradual repairs to city streets.  

He gives special emphasis to the building of the Spark Centre in 2021. 

“That was a huge game changer to the whole outlook of the city, because we have more sports opportunities for kids, for the people wanting to walk on the tracks in the winter. The winter has always been so brutal in Saskatchewan, and this keeps people active all throughout the area.” 

Another major project began during his term, the construction beginning on the new Weyburn Hospital.  

“We were able to provide the land and make sure that everything moved forward quite quickly so that they could be in the building phase. Going through a tour of it, that's going to be one amazing building.” 

Roy saw the re-implementation of a nursing program in Southeast College as well, saying it was something he “really wanted to see”.  

He also openly expresses support for the local agriculture, and oil and gas industries. 

“I have seen a very productive last eight years, and I would like to see a few more of them to completion. To see the hospital become completed and some of the new projects moving forward. There's lots of other interests coming up in the city, and I want to see those move along.” 

Roy says despite eight years as mayor, there is more he’d like to do including the utilization of the city’s new pothole machine, and the development of a new park where Haig School previously stood. 

“There are certain projects I'd like to see to the finish line. There's also changes as to the way we've done business, and I'd like to see how these changes develop and grow." 

“Weyburn really is a number one city to live in and other people have talked about that.” 
