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If you've ever wondered what goes on at the Rothney Astrophysical Observatory in the Foothills, Thursday night (Sept. 12) is your night.

It's their annual 'Howdy Neighbour BBQ' with free beef on a bun offered during their 5-9 p.m. event.

The Observatory's and U of C's Dr. Phil Langill says they want to remove some of the mystery surrounding what they actually do there.

"To come and visit and listen and learn about what we do at the observatory and all the fun stuff that we do; crazy science and the cool telescopes and things like that. All we do at the observatory is we do really cool science with our telescopes, and we love it when people come to visit, and we want the people who live around the observatory to get a better understanding and appreciation for what we do."

While it doesn't look favourable for star gazing on Thursday with clouds and rain in the forecast there will still be lots to learn.

The observatory needs to know how many people will be coming as space is limited so you're asked to rsvp jihowse@ucalgary.ca