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File photo of Raven Daer, Communications Specialist with Envision Counselling & Support Centre.

Envision Counselling and Support Centre is offering an 'identify, respond, and refer' training for those who may be in a position to be a point of contact for individuals sharing about sexual assault and abuse. 

Raven Daer, Communications Specialist with Envision, said the training is in collaboration with the Sexual Assault Services of Saskatchewan and the Association of Alberta Sexual Assault Services, designed for professionals and para-professionals working with individuals who might be impacted by sexual violence.

"This could also be for any community members who might be interested in enhancing their skills and confidence in addressing sexual abuse as well as sexual assault," she said. 

Individuals from various fields who could benefit from this training include health, social services, education and justice, nurses, physicians, social workers, youth workers, mental health workers, teachers, school counsellors, police officers, victim services workers, and faith leaders.

Facilitated by Counsellors, the purpose is to provide communication skills and information essential for helping victims of sexualized violence navigate the impacts of it on their lives, through trauma education, fostering hope, and having meaningful conversations in difficult circumstances.

"It's a pretty comprehensive training," noted Daer. "We do have six modules, so essentially just how to have those conversations and interact with folks who have experienced sexualized violence as well as information on the Criminal Code, age of consent, impacts and indicators, reporting obligations, myths, sexual trauma, reporting options, campaigns, and education."

"Really, it is an all-encompassing training for anyone who is in the field of maybe working with individuals as a service provider, or even just within your own personal lives, too. There is no wrong fit for this training. As much as we can get this training out to the public, it's going to benefit our communities."

She said the training will help facilitators understand how a particular experience or experiences have impacted the person confiding, whether experienced previously or recently, navigating reporting options or not, and determining what works best for the individual. 

Daer added, "The cost for this training is $150 per participant, and the registration deadline is September 23rd, so be sure to get your registration in as soon as possible, because we do have a limited number of seats and that is 20 participants for each training." 

The training will be held October 1st and 2nd in the Community Room at the Weyburn Credit Union from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. both days.

"We will be offering lunch, refreshments, and snacks and stuff to keep you going through the day," Daer noted. 

While registration is on a first-come, first-served basis, she said Envision would potentially host another training if there is enough of a community response and demand for it. The same event will be held in Estevan on October 8th and 9th.
