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Students proudly present their innovative robot, a testament to their hard work and the valuable experience gained through their project-based learning program (photo by Larissa McEwen.)

At the Innovation Conference for Economic Development (ICED) in Rural, Southeast College showcased innovative projects, including a new computer science training program designed to address regional skill gaps and develop local talent.

Ryan Gustafson, a course designer and instructor at Southeast College, said the program focuses on project-based learning, with students working directly on real-world challenges.

“Our program offers real-world applications of computer science,” Gustafson said. “Students enhance their skills while benefiting local businesses.”

In addition to developing technical skills, the program establishes a valuable connection between students and local businesses, creating a talent pipeline and providing cost-effective solutions. “Students gain significant experience and enhance their job prospects through a solid project portfolio,” Gustafson explained. During the presentation, the students showcased the robot they had been working on, highlighting the practical outcomes of their efforts.
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The networking app developed by students was another highlight. Attendees registered through the app and were placed in groups for networking based on the data gathered. Developing the app presented challenges, including duplicate names and missing entries. “It was a real challenge to get consistency from the AI,” Gustafson said. “A lot of troubleshooting went into prompt engineering and verifying results.”

Despite these hurdles, the students’ efforts paid off. “We had a great result overall, and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive,” Gustafson said.

Looking ahead, the program plans to expand. “Eventually, we’ll need to work beyond our borders for additional projects,” Gustafson said. “But continuing to solve local problems with local partners would be ideal.”

He also shared his long-term vision, “The goal is to have students present their work to local HR representatives, offering them a direct path to meaningful careers.”

With affordable evening classes for working professionals and plans to seek additional funding, the program’s future looks bright at Southeast College.
