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CHAB Feature Personality Rob Carnie


Carnie's Comments


So, the Moose Jaw Events Centre has joined arenas and stadiums across the country by announcing a strict, new "No Re-Entry" policy. Once you're in, you're in. Once you leave, you're gone.

It has some local hockey fans and concert goers upset because they won't be able to go outside to smoke during intermissions.

It's OK with me but I empathize because I used to be addicted to those nasty cigarettes.

No re-entry policies have been in place for over 25 years at a number of venues. In fact, I remember when the new Spokane Arena opened up. I was calling Western Hockey League games on the radio and I'd always have a 10-minute interview recorded for the 2nd intermission, giving me time to run outside, smoke a cigarette, and hustle back to the broadcast booth.

Well, security told me if I went out, I couldn't get back in. 

I said, "But, I'm calling the game on the radio!"

They didn't care.

I went about three hours without a smoke. I survived and subsequently quit smoking several years later and I'm proud to say I'm now in the majority of the 89% of Saskatchewanians who call themselves non-smokers.


