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combine in the field at the Waldenberger farm.
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The provincial Ministry of Agriculture released the latest crop report this morning, and while last week the southeast was almost at the 50 per cent mark for harvest, this week the area is well beyond halfway.  

The report showed the southeast is 65 per cent done, well ahead of the five-year and ten-year average of 55 per cent. It is also ahead of the provincial average of 61 per cent. The Weyburn area, which also includes Avonlea, Fillmore, Minton and Radville, is the furthest along, with 92 per cent of the 2024 crop in the bin.  

Winter cereals, lentils, and field peas lead the way for the region. The report indicated 88 per cent of durum is harvested, along with 83 per cent of barley. Spring wheat and triticale are 67 per cent completed, and oats 65 per cent. Among the oilseeds, mustard is the furthest along at 83 per cent, with flax at 36 per cent and canola at 35 percent. Chickpeas are 81 per cent harvested.  

Precipitation continues to be a concern in the region, with limited amounts over the past week. This, combined with the warm temperatures, has resulted in declining topsoil moisture conditions.  

For cropland, the topsoil moisture is rated as two per cent surplus, 53 per cent adequate, 37 per cent short, and eight per cent very short. Hayland topsoil moisture is rated as one per cent surplus, 38 per cent adequate, 50 per cent short and 11 per cent very short, with pasture rated as one per cent surplus, 35 per cent adequate, 52 per cent short, and 12 per cent very short.  

There was some damage to crops reported in the region in the past week. It was primarily attributed to the wind along with migratory birds. However, grasshopper pressure is being reported as increasing.  
