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The Community Conference was held Tuesday at the Lacombe Memorial Centre. (Photos by Cory Knutt)

The City of Lacombe hosted a Community Conference on Tuesday, September 10 to establish actions and strategies that have emerged out of the Social Needs Assessment and Prioritization.

The city has contracted bassa Social Innovations to help facilitate the project, which is now into Phase 2.

"In the first phase, we connected with the community to find out what's really important to the folks in Lacombe about achieving social well-being," explained Scott Cameron, President and CEO of bassa Social Innovations. "Today is about going to that next level now that the priorities have been identified and saying what are we going to do about it."

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Scott Cameron, President and CEO of bassa Social Innovations, says the project is nearing completion.

The priorities that were identified include Community Action on Mental Health and Addictions, Community Support for Families, Getting Around and Community Access, and Healthy Homes and Neighbourhoods.

During the conference, the group looked at three different areas:

  • What are the things that individuals, families, communities, neighbourhoods can do themselves?
  • What are the things that different groups and organizations can be doing?
  • What is needed from government?

Cameron notes the project is nearing completion.

"We're going to be taking the results of today's workshop back to the FCSS Board at the end of the month and then having something to city council in the middle of October," he said.
