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The Cochrane Legion is welcoming the public for their annual Legion show on Saturday from 10 to 5 p.m. (file photo)

If you see army vehicles rolling through Cochrane tomorrow, don't be alarmed. It's all part of the annual celebration at the local Legion branch for National Legion Week.

Sergeant-at-Arms Joey Cyr said they're hosting their fourth annual show and they will have military vehicles and a large locomotive on display. 

"We're going to have some cool off-road vehicles that will be a part of it as well. These vehicles will all be on display, so kids can come through. There's going to be a cannon firing, there's going to be vintage military vehicles and other military equipment that just basically shows a little bit of the history of the military as well as part of the Legion." 

One of the cannons will be fired at 10 a.m. tomorrow to officially open the show. 

Legion members dressed as World War I veterans will be on hand again this year.

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Cyr said it's important for them to open the doors of the Legion for events like this. 

"We're really trying to emphasize the communal involvement. We want people to feel comfortable, we want people to come there and feel inclusive. And it's very important to us to have people of all ages be able to attend there. I feel like the common thought of mind with the Legion is more or less that it's for veterans only, you can't be a member there, unless you're a veteran or a first responder or something like that, when that's in fact, not the case. Anybody can join, anybody can become a member there. We want people to become a member there, we want people to be involved."

The Legion show will go from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday. 

The Legion flag will be raised during a short ceremony at The Station at 3:30 p.m. Friday to kick off National Legion Week. 

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