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CHAB Feature Personality Rob Carnie


Carnie's Comments


It's time for the weekly treat we call Facebook Friday!

We'll start with this mom who says, "I just shut my teenager's bedroom door to make my house feel cleaner."

Here's a question, "Did we totally wipe out ring around the collar in the 80s? I never hear about it anymore."

Just in time for payday, this one, "It's called gross pay because it's disgusting to see what you could have made."

This friend shares, "1974: I can't wait to see what the world is like in 50 years. 2024: I miss 1974."

I like this, "100 years ago everyone owned a horse and only the rich had cars. Today everyone has a car and only the rich have horses. Oh, how the stables have turned!"

That same guy says, "For once I'd just like to spiral into control."

This funny fella says, "That awkward moment when you're wearing Nikes and you just  can't do it."

And one more, "If you suck at playing the trumpet...that's probably why."





