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Red Deer City Council is considering establishing an Economic Development Committee during the council meeting today (Sept. 16).
File photo.

Red Deer City Council is set to consider establishing an Ad Hoc Economic Development Committee during today’s (Sept. 16) council meeting.  

The formation of the proposed committee comes after city council adopted “Red Deer 2025,” with a goal to create a thriving, diverse, and innovative business environment that positions the city for growth.  

Through group discussions between representatives from Red Deer’s Chamber of Commerce and Red Deer Polytechnic (RDP), it was identified that community leaders are critical to the city’s economic success.  

“No organization can do it alone. We have extraordinary economic development partners in our community – partners who invest in and care about economic development in Red Deer, and we must work together to be successful” said Mike Olesen, Growth and Finance General Manager. “This committee is about taking a collective approach that brings Red Deer leaders and partners around the table to explore a new approach to economic development. Red Deer’s model has not been formally reviewed in several years, and through this committee, we have an opportunity to unify and strengthen the city’s economic efforts towards building a more prosperous and competitive city.”  

If approved, the committee will bring partners from around the city together, to gather input and ensure its recommendations reflect the needs and aspirations of the entire community.   

The committee will work to achieve the future vision for economic development in Red Deer.  

Recruitment for the committee would begin immediately, with the goal of finalizing membership by November. 


Other items on today’s council agenda include:  


Support for Councillors Applying to Alberta Municipalities Committees  

  • The report is included as a mechanism for City Councillors looking for Council support in applying to the Alberta Municipalities Committee 

Zoning Bylaw Amendment 3357/SS-2024 Omnibus (First Reading)  

  • The proposed amendment is primarily about improving clarity and consistency in a number of areas, including specificity related to definitions and housekeeping items. 


Red Deer and District Family and Community Support Services Multi-Municipal Operating Agreement  

  • City administration recommends council approve continuing its commitment to the Red Deer & District FCSS by authorizing administration to sign the Multi-Municipal Operating Agreement. 

  • The FCSS Multi-Municipal Agreement forms the basis by which the Red Deer and District FCSS Board functions in partnership between six participating municipalities.   

  • The Agreement outlines the way the partner municipalities work collaboratively and authorizes the City of Red Deer to perform the administrative responsibilities on behalf of the partnership. The agreement also outlines the methods by which the partner municipalities cost share program development, direct services, and indirect services (funding to partner organizations). 


Utility Governance Review Update  

  • City administration is seeking further direction on whether to proceed with investigation of a modernized governance structure and the formation of a Municipally Controlled Corporation in the 2025 budget. 


Urban Encampment Report 

  • City administration is bringing forward a report on encampments within Red Deer's publicly owned lands, including outcomes and analysis of possible service level changes. 

  • The report summarizes administration’s review of the corporate policy and procedure, response data from the past five years and the current capacity and realities of housing and related supports. 
