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Photo of Special Olympics Weyburn at Kal-Tire courtesy of Special Olympics Saskatchewan - Weyburn / Facebook.

Special Olympics Weyburn has been selling tickets for two raffle fundraisers.

Two raffle draws will made on separate dates, with tickets for each draw selling for $5 each. Tickets can be purchased by contacting Ali at 306-861-3412.

The first draw will be made on October 15th at Kal-Tire, for a $1,650 gift card for Kal-Tire products, donated by Kal-Tire. Tickets can also be purchased directly at Kal-Tire.

"Just in time to get your winter tires on," said Jo-Ann Paxman, Community Manager for Special Olympics Weyburn.

The other raffle draw will be made on November 5th at the Special Olympics Weyburn CEC meeting, for three gift baskets valued at $650, $500, and $300. 

"We'll contact the winners and also post on our new Facebook page, Special Olympics Saskatchewan - Weyburn. So please follow our new page," invited Paxman.

New faces are invited to join the Special Olympics Weyburn as board members. They'll be holding their annual general meeting on Tuesday, September 17th at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room at the Weyburn Credit Union. 

Paxman said anyone is welcome to attend. 

While they have had two new members join since our last update, they still need someone to take care of their social media pages, and someone to fill the role of program coordinator.

During a previous story, Paxman noted those who join the board won't be expected to coach athletes.

"They don't have to have been involved with Special Olympics at all, or have any knowledge," she explained. "It's just filling positions on the board. You might possibly not be working with athletes at all."

She said while they also welcome members at large, they also need more volunteers to help cheer on and help out with the bowling on Tuesdays between 4 and 5 p.m. beginning this fall.

Paxman can be reached at 306-861-1555, via Facebook messenger, or via email communitymanagersow@gmail.com.

"Or they could go online to the Special Olympics Saskatchewan website, there's a volunteer area there where they can click on and register."

She said they've been holding meetings monthly, "but once we get more board members and get a little bit more help, we probably will narrow it down to maybe every two months, and they last from an hour to two hours at the most."

The organization currently offers just two sports for their athletes, bowling and swimming. 

"Our focus is filling the board member positions and we've been doing some fundraising right now also. Once we have the board members, then we can move along with more sports to add to the ones that we do have. If we could get the board positions filled, then the volunteers that coach can focus on coaching and running the sports instead of trying to be a board member and do some coaching and volunteering."
