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The Estevan Special Olympics kicked off its fall programming with a baseball game against Estevan Fire and Rescue (photos by Larissa McEwen.)

The Estevan Special Olympics kicked off its fall programming with a baseball game against Estevan Fire and Rescue.

Younger athletes took to the field first, followed by the adults. Both teams enjoyed a BBQ lunch afterward.

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Jackie Thull, community manager with Estevan Special Olympics, said she was pleased with how the game went.

“They played a really good game with the athletes. The athletes loved it and it was a really good windup to the previous year and start-up for fall programming,” said Thull.

The return event has become a favourite for the athletes.

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Tanner Weger-Brandow, a member of Estevan Fire and Rescue, said they were delighted to get involved in the community by playing a few games with the athletes.

“We had a blast; the games were a lot of fun,” Weger-Brandow said.

The day was filled with smiles and sportsmanship, making it a memorable start to the season.

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