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The High River Fire department will be doing checks on hydrants (File photo from the Fire Dept. Open House on May 11, 2024)
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The High River Fire department will be doing checks on hydrants (File photo from the Fire Dept. Open House on May 11, 2024)

High River fire crews will soon be checking fire hydrants around town to ensure they are working properly.

Fire Chief Cody Zebedee said they typically check them twice per year.

"The Spring check typically is us flowing and flushing the hydrant to make sure the pressure's good, there's no leaks, there's no issues with the hydrant. And then our Fall check is just a quick visual inspection, make sure everything's good, all the water's pumped out of them for the wintertime operation."

When the crews do find any issues that require service, they get on it right away, said Zebedee.

"So, there are scheduled repairs that happen to the hydrants. If our crews find something, then it gets passed along to the town's utility department and they will go ahead and order the parts, pieces, whatever they need to do to repair them."

He ensures they are fixed the day of or as soon as the parts are in.