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After the storm today temperatures are expected to start dropping and be seasonal by the mid-week.

Temperatures are expected to get back to seasonal following a burst of heat over the weekend, right on time for the start of fall.

That begins with the equinox on September 21, with Environment Canada laying out the cooler weather in their forecast.

Meteorologist Natalie Hasell says that'll come in closely following the current thunderstorms over the southeast.

"Especially as the system moves as the flow around the low-pressure system is counterclockwise. So in the wake of the system, you'll typically see cooler temperatures and we're also looking at pretty thick clouds here. So very likely that temperatures on Wednesday will be cooler than they're expected to be today and tomorrow."

Despite a cold front coming to the area in the fall season the resultant temperatures should actually be seasonal considering the recent warm surge.

"We'll see the passage of the cold front and temperatures will be cooler already starting Wednesday night, Thursday morning, and continuing on Thursday, which actually brings you right back to seasonal. So this cooler temperature that's expected on Thursday and Friday is pretty much what you would normally see at this time of year."

"Your nighttime temperatures are still slightly above normal, so overall this week is going to be an above-normal week for temperatures, even though we have the passage of a cold front coming through."

Even though it is fall and people's minds are on cooler temperatures Hasell says that people should stay cautious about the heat that's still on the way.

"The same concerns as I mentioned earlier still apply, and looking at today's forecast, we're still talking about a pretty hot day with temperatures at 30, humidex is at 35. We're not talking about extreme values or warning criteria being reached, but I think you'll find that people do need to take precautions for the heat as well, so both thunderstorms and heat to pay attention to."

"Very important to pay attention not only to how you yourself are feeling but also to how things are around you and how people are behaving and to be a good neighbour, check in on folks who might be more susceptible to the heat and get them the help that they need."
