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Morden police officer sits in a cruiser

A driver was suspended and fined after blowing a Warning on a roadside screening test.
It all started when officers noticed an open case of beer inside the vehicle during a traffic stop. That's when the request for a roadside test was made. 
In the end, the driver was issued a 72-hour driving suspension and a 3-day impoundment of the vehicle along with a $400 fine.


Traffic stop yields to arrest

Also, while on general patrol earlier that week, officers pulled over a man known to be on conditions. 

After further investigation, he was arrested for failing to comply with Undertaking conditions and Possession of a Controlled Substance. 

He was released on an Undertaking to attend Morden Provincial Court in November.


Click here to read the full Morden Police Service Report for September 3rd-16th.
