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classic car
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File photo taken by Marna McManus during a care home cruise held last September.

Residents of Bison Manor, Tatagwa View, Weyburn Special Care Home, Midtown Care Home, Legion Towers, Hilltop Manor, and Parkway Lodge will be able to take in the Soo Line Cruisers Car Club's final Care Home Cruise this Sunday afternoon from 2 to 4 p.m.

Club member Jarrod Stroeder said they will drive by each of the care homes on their route twice, and anyone is welcome to enjoy the parade of cars. The club holds a Care Home Cruise at the beginning of the warm weather season and another near the end of the season. 

"So far it's been really popular," he shared. "We've been getting some really good feedback. The senior citizens talk about it for weeks and weeks afterward. We get lots of private messages through our Facebook page of people and family members thanking us for doing this, and it just really helps and gets them out of their rooms for an afternoon."

Stroeder said, "There's a lot of nostalgia that comes with being in a classic car club, and we're not only classic cars, but a lot of our members do have classic cars, and that's one of the nice things about having an older car is there' are lots of people that either had that car or rode around in cars like that when they were younger and it just brings back a lot of memories for everybody."

The official route will be posted on the Soo Line Cruisers Facebook page before the event. 

"If you do want to see them more than once, go to one of the many care homes we have in Weyburn and give us a smile and a wave," Stroeder invited.

He noted that if the event is rained out, it will be held on Sunday, September 29th.

While the car club used to take a cruise every Thursday night, they've shifted their focus to be a little more event-based.

"So instead of just getting together every Thursday night, we made a point to travel as a car club to various car shows around the southern part of the province, including this Saturday. We're actually going out to Radville for their Heritage Days. So we're going to be going out to Radville and supporting them and supporting that town. It's a really great little show and a great day for everyone in the community out there in Radville." 

"We've noticed a major surge in events like post-COVID," Stroeder explained. "We're just trying as a club to be a little more organized and to go out to them. We travel together, and a lot of times we can get specialized parking if we give them a notice that we're bringing 10 or 15 cars out to come to their event."

He said there are a lot of fundraisers associated with car shows, "so it's always good to get out to as many as we can and help support these communities all around way." 

"We're always open to if people want us to come out to their event or if they want to see our cars, they can always just message us privately through our Facebook page and we try to accommodate every request we get," he added.

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