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This weekend you will see Sparks, Embers, Guides, Pathfinders and Rangers all over town selling Girl Guide cookies. Chocolatey Mint Cookies are $6.00 per box. (Photos provided).

It's officially Girl Guide Cookie season in Cochrane!

This weekend is a cookie blitz hosted by all the Cochrane units including Sparks, Embers, Guides, Pathfinders and Rangers.

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Keep an eye out for cookies being sold all over town by Sparks, Embers, Guides, Pathfinders and Rangers. (Photos provided)

"We're selling our mint cookies across town on Saturday and Sunday," says Ana McCabe, unit leader with the Guides and Embers. "We are inundating all locations where we can park a truck, open up the back, sell cookies. We're in supermarkets, we are in parking lots, we are in schools. Look for us between 10:00 and 4:00 on both days."

The ladies will be selling Chocolatey Mint cookies in multiple locations including the BGC parking lot, No Frills, Save-On, Bow Valley HS, Ranche View school and Centennial Plaza in downtown Cochrane..

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"The money raised will help support all sorts of activities." says McCabe "We have badges and awards. We focus on the girls themselves and things they can achieve within their community, but it's just a matter of having fun and learning new skills, learning confidence, learning what are you good at, what are you not so good at, and what can you achieve in the future. It's a great, great program. "

Chocolatey Mint cookies are the focus of the fall campaign and cookies are $6.00 per box.

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