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Goliath, the miniature donkey has gone missing from his home at the Banded Peak Vet Hospital in Bragg Creek. (photo courtesy Dr. Judith Samson-French)

A beloved miniature donkey missing from his Bragg Creek home of 25 years, has sparked a search effort involving drones, dogs, and volunteers, with fears he may have been stolen.

Goliath, who is approximately 28-years-old hasn't been seen since Monday.

He lives with four other donkeys on a fully fenced 24-acre property.

Dr. Judith Samson-French said she has to entertain the possibility that Goliath has been stolen but she's not sure how that would have happened. 

"I'm not sure how at night, somebody would come in with a trailer and try to load. These donkeys haven't been in a trailer for at least 10 or 15 years. It takes manpower to load these donkeys, they're not going to go in willingly."

A drone will be used to aid in the search for the beloved donkey, said Samson-French. 

"So the plan today is I'm bringing someone with a drone, which is not easy, because it's a treed area."

"We've got four people coming in, and I've got an additional person coming in with a couple of dogs, so we're using dogs as well to walk on the property to see if they sniff anything. We've got people on foot and people with the dogs, and we're expanding the search."

Samson-French said they have not been able to find any breaches in the fence line. 


Goliath is a gentle miniature donkey, explained Samson-French, he has called the Banded Peak Vet Hospital his home for over 25 years.

"He's very gentle, he's very friendly. I had a group of kids with special needs that came in wheelchairs and you can see on the pictures, all the donkeys are super gentle around people. So he's not going to charge anyone or anything."

If you spot Goliath, you're asked to call the Banded Peak Vet Hospital at 403-949-3249.
