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Estevan is likely to see more rain tonight after missing heavier rainfall and hail last night (photo by Larissa McEwen.)

The southern part of Saskatchewan has seen massive storms come through this week, impacting many areas with severe conditions.

The current system is expected to pick back up later this evening and even persist into Thursday.

Christy Climenhaga, a scientist with Environment Canada, details just how much the southeast saw overnight.

"We did have an active evening across much of southern Saskatchewan. The heaviest rain was seen in the southwest of the province, but a little bit into the southeast as well. In Estevan, you saw about 6mm of rain over the last 24 hours. So not quite as much, but I mean looking a little further to the Northwest, Regina, almost 40mm. So quite a big difference depending on where you are in the province, but definitely a busy night for some September thunderstorms."

While some heavy rainfall was the worst outcome for many areas others also received hail from a small, concentrated system.

"We did actually get reports of quarter to toonie-size hail in Weyburn at about 3:35 a.m. last night," said Climenhaga. "So a decent storm moving through that region. Hail also reported towards Ponteix, quarter-sized hail there."

Moisture troubles aren't over for the southeast as an intense storm is coming in once again.

"What we're seeing is a pretty strong low-pressure system moving through today and it's bringing in that rainfall and those embedded thunderstorms already into the southwest. Again," said Climenhaga. "There is a rainfall warning for that region because that is where you're seeing kind of the heaviest rainfall. It's all associated with the same system as it moves towards the northwest."

"For Southern Saskatchewan, it does look like you're going to be seeing that rainfall through the day-to-day, and then as you move into the night, it should start to ease as that system clears the region."

Recent weather in the southeast was dwarfed by what was in the skies in the southwest, which saw a potential for some extreme weather.

A tornado warning was issued, this one is for Southern Saskatchewan, 6:00 PM last night. "So, there was a tornado warning issued around the RM of Whiska Creek and then from a system of Doppler radar, our radar was indicating that there was a very strong system north of Ponteix which, of course, we saw hail reports from. That could be produced with a tornado," said Climenhaga, "So that warning was issued and then that storm moved towards the north. But we didn't see any reports of touchdowns or anything."

Climenhaga says it's unlikely Estevan would see tornados but instead, there will be more showers in the forecast.
