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Stunning storm photo captured by Joey Siemens.

Joey Siemens, widely recognized in the Pembina Valley as drummer for L Rae & J, has recently shifted his artistic focus to photography. Siemens shared his journey into this new passion, which he says began early in life, inspired by his mother, who was an avid photographer. 

"My mom was always taking pictures, and we'd often go out together, snapping photos of whatever caught our eye," Siemens recalled. This early influence led him to invest in a new camera and begin capturing the natural beauty around him, with a particular fascination for weather phenomena. 

Siemens' love for storms traces back to a childhood memory of a massive tornado that struck his hometown of Rosenort. Since then, he’s been drawn to extreme weather events, often chasing storms in hopes of capturing their dramatic beauty on camera. His recent photograph of a double rainbow with a lightning strike, taken on September 16, has garnered attention for its remarkable timing and composition. 

"Capturing that shot was incredible," Siemens said. "I spent the day chasing storms, and just as the sun broke through the clouds, I was able to frame the rainbow and lightning together." The striking image has not only impressed locals but also speaks to Siemens’ deep connection to his faith. "It's a reminder of the beauty and artistry that God creates for us every day," he added. 

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In addition to his photography, Siemens is planning a possible exhibit at Winkler Arts and Culture, where he hopes to showcase his work alongside other local photographers. "I'm still in the early stages of planning, but I’d love to share my work with the community," he said. 

Siemens' new artistic venture demonstrates his multifaceted talent and continues to make an impact both on and off the stage in our community. 
