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Isabella Lauzon
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Isabella Lauzon

After selling snacks outside her house for weeks at her 'Space Station Snacks,' Isabella Lauzon is over the moon, quite literally, after finally receiving her telescope, thanks to the support of her community.

She looked out of her telescope for the first time a couple of nights ago, and she was so excited to see the moon.

Her mother, Haley Lauzon, reflected on the overwhelming support they received.

"It meant a lot to us. It was very nice that the community came together and helped rally just to get her what she wanted. She's been asking for a telescope for a very long time, and it was just really cool seeing everyone pitch in for that."

With a telescope now in hand, Isabella is already setting her sights on bigger dreams.

"I want to be an astronaut!" she exclaimed when asked about her future.

She also noted that she has one desire after becoming an astronaut.

"I would stand on the moon."

Although her stargazing journey has only just begun, for now, she's more than content exploring the planets and stars with her new telescope, one step closer to reaching her ultimate dream.
