The Remembrance Day ceremony in High River on November 11th is all set.
Past president of the High River Royal Canadian Legion Bob Collins says in preparation for the ceremony you can buy your poppies starting Friday.
Collins says they're making it easy again this year to pick up your poppies and support the veterans.
"We're out at all four stores and that being No Frills, Canadian Tire, Co-op and Sobey's."
Collins says veterans and volunteers will be at all four stores throughout the work week and then they're getting some extra help over the next few weekends.
"We have sheets at the Legion and if anyone wants to volunteer just come in and sign up to sell poppies at those locations. We try and get the army cadets and air force cadets to do the weekends because we do sponsor them through the poppy campaign."
For the Remembrance Day ceremony on Monday, November 11 Collins says the veterans and cadets will once again march from the Legion to the cenotaph in front of the Highwood Centre.
"I'd just like to remind everybody that on November 11th, if they could be at the Highwood Centre at around 8:30 it would be great. We also will be forming up around 10:10 a.m. and leaving the Legion around 10:15, march over and we'll be there at approximately at 20 to 11:00. Of course, the ceremony will include the bagpipes and the last post at the eleventh hour."
You will also have probably noticed the Remembrance Day banners along many of the town's streetlights.
Collins is excited that they have almost sold out.
"We'll have in the vicinity of 126 banners, that's including six that I have at the Rec Plex, 10 on the (traffic) circle, and then down Centre Street and throughout town. We're looking at 126 and we're at 113 now."
You can find more details on the Legion's website.