As the Manitoba Country Music Awards are just around the corner, those behind the scenes are grateful to see local artists take centre stage.
Miles Trach, president of the Manitoba Country Music Association, says they've been trying to give Manitoba artists this platform for over a decade. This eventually led to the inaugural Manitoba Country Music Awards in 2015.
"It started about 15 years ago when I joined the board," explains Trach. "We were very much trying to rebuild our country music community here in Manitoba."
He adds that shining a light on local talent allows fans to feel pride in their hometown. One example of this is Nelson Little, a Portager who's nominated for a staggering seven awards this year.
"I think it's important for us to celebrate local Manitobans as much as we celebrate nationally or internationally recognized people. We have some incredible talent here in Manitoba," says Trach. "I think it's important for us to celebrate those people and let them know that they're doing a great job."
Whether it's around a campfire, a barn dance, a concert, or through the radio, Trach says it's nice to look back on the history of Manitoban Country Music knowing that the same kind of history is being made today.
The Manitoba Country Music Awards will take place on November 10. See a list of nominees here.