Why did you decide to run for mayor?
I guess I firmly believe right now that Moose Jaw is in a very pivotal moment. And that we have the opportunity, I think, to really define and shape the future for the city for generations to come. I really do believe that, and I also feel that with the knowledge and experience that I had of over 30 years in the funeral profession, and allowing me to advance at different stages in that, ultimately running my own funeral home as my own business for over half of my funeral career, I think that that has allowed me to gain really valuable experience on the operating of a business.
And I've always had the deep commitment to our community, which has been even further exemplified as being one of the co-founders of River Street Promotions. I feel that that role, along with the dedication and commitment with my funeral career, I think it's prepared me and that I can now be fully dedicated to helping Moose Jaw move forward and thrive.
I think, also, running for mayor, I really do feel that focusing on growing the economy is huge and just building that community spirit again, so that families, I guess, and businesses can succeed — I think that's something that's very important to me. That was a factor.
Can you just talk a little bit about your experience in public service and community boards and politics?
Boy, I have been actively involved literally my whole time in Moose Jaw. First, I served as the past chair, and I'm still a current board member of the Moose Jaw Health Foundation. I'm an active board member with the Providence Place Health Foundation. Of course, as I stated earlier, I’m one of the co-founders for River Street Promotions, which our main focus is on youth, mental health, and awareness.
And then, over the years, I've been actively involved with service groups like the Moose Jaw Lions Club. And now currently, I take pride in the fact that I'm an active volunteer with Hunger in Moose Jaw, and that's near and dear to me.
I just think that all of these roles on the volunteer side of things truly have given me valuable insight into the city's needs, and the importance of strong leadership.
Do you feel that experience matters one way or another?
Yeah, it certainly does. But, that can come in many different forms and levels. I will admit I do not have any municipal or political experience. But, that actually could be an advantage for me. If I am chosen by the community, I would be entering the role of mayor with no preconceived thoughts or notions.
I think that I would be eager and engaged right off the get-go to find out what the tasks at hand are and work with people to gather all the necessary information before making decisions. But I do think having had my own successful business here in town and with my role in being a co-founder with River Street Promotions, that has definitely given me a solid foundation for effective leadership.
My business experience has really taught me the importance of transparency, that's huge with people, and being fiscally responsible. And I would say my long-standing commitment to our community has never wavered. I’ve been able to hone my skills — I'm a very good listener and understanding of the individual's needs, because those were very difficult times for families and that's why I always strive for the dedication to them and engaging with them.
I think that that will help me engage with local residents of the city and in ensuring that their voice is being heard and valued by all and by the mayor's office.
Was there any topic or policy issue or incident that was a tipping point for you?
I don't know about a tipping point, but I just think that the city truly does have vast potential. And that's the point right now for me. I can dedicate the time and the passion to hopefully help unlock it, or at least be a part of it.
We have to foster engagement. People need to be engaged. What I’m hearing from folks is economic growth, so let's enhance that. And investing, of course, in infrastructure, but maybe just smarter, and in infrastructure that would serve the greatest need at the time.
Something that I would really strive for is that I think there truly does need to be improved communication at all levels, for everyone. I really cannot stress enough the importance of transparency. I think that transparency is so key with this, and I think that the community deserves that.
What criticisms do you have, if any, for the politics you've seen over the last maybe two or three years?
Well, once again, I think that that might just stem back to the last question. We need to improve communication so that the citizens and community are updated and they will value that.
They feel that they're just not in the know. And they truly do want to have a voice, and they want to be heard. And I think that being heard means from the residents, the business owners, I'm sensing some frustration there, but we just need to work together. The citizens are key with this. Business owners need to be heard, and of course the various other organizations in the community, because these people have great thoughts and ideas. I think they just need to be expressed and listened to, so.
People also, from what I'm hearing, are saying, that there might just be better options. I mean, of course there's a strong need for infrastructure improvements, but better prioritizing what those improvements are so that maybe focusing on some that might be better cost effective now instead of maybe 2-3 years down the road when those costs may have gone up or escalated.
And, of course, everyone's hearing this well, the safety of the city as a whole. I think that is something that we just need to come together to work on as a group. And, I think that all of these points that we're talking about are just going to better set us up for and prepare ourselves for future growth.
What's your plan to compromise or cooperate with fellow council members to accomplish policy goals?
I am 100% all about teamwork. This will not be the effort, cannot be the effort of one individual. This will take a good group, and when I say a good group, I'm talking about the future council that will be elected, and teamwork with administration, and then that even flows into teamwork with the community as a whole, where people's opinions are being valued and they're being heard, so teamwork and collaboration are huge, very huge.
If people have that opportunity to express thoughts that really can turn into, I would say, productive dialogue. So, council being updated, which in turn means administration is, because all these people are involved, you know, that would come together. They all have their own individual strengths and experiences. Let's let them show, because our goal with this is just to make Moose Jaw the best that it can be. And that can be achieved, but we have to co-operate, and collaboration is key.
So, I think that if teamwork is strong, then that allows you to lead by example and great things can happen, for sure.
For the interest of transparency, are you coordinating or do you share an association with any other candidates in any way whatsoever?
No, no, none whatsoever. Me seeking the choice from the community as mayor, I'm doing this independently. I’ve got no association with any other candidates. And I'm proud of that fact. And I'm thrilled to see that so many great people are wanting to step up to be future leaders in our city, with our council.
But my focus truly remains on serving the best interests of Moose Jaw and its residents. That's what I'm here for. And if elected, I can assure you that I will look for and nurture and foster teamwork, which is going to be so key with all of this. So, we have to be one.
And just finally, is there anything else that voters should know about you?
I've always been about community and my commitment to Moose Jaw runs so deep. But, I think that that was instilled in me by being fortunate and privileged to have had my growing and upbringing in the great community of Central Butte, I owe everything to that community and to those citizens.
And the importance of community and values were instilled with me at an early age and have always been with me. Because we're nothing without a community.
Speaking of community now, I mean, Moose Jaw has been home for me and my family now for over 30 years. My mom resides in Moose Jaw. My two sisters live here with their families. So, Moose Jaw is truly our home, even though we had our beginning in Central Butte. By all of us being here together in Moose Jaw, it's just allowing us to foster strength and our family connection to this great city now.
Discover Moose Jaw will also have full coverage of the municipal election on Nov. 13.