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Hutch Ambulance at last years tree lighting. (photo by Hayden Michaels)
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Hutch Ambulance at last year's tree lighting. (photo by Hayden Michaels)

Tomorrow night, don't forget to bring your donation for Fill the Ambulance at the tree lighting. 

Hutch Ambulance will be parking one of its units at Market Square, where people can drop off donations of food, clothing, winter wear, toys, games, and other Christmas essentials. 

The goal is to, of course, Fill the Ambulance! They will then be distributing the donations to both Southwest Crisis Services and the Swift Current Salvation Army. 

Jasmine Jones, who works at Hutch Ambulance, is excited to help spread Christmas cheer to those who need it. 

"I think as a paramedic we see some circumstances where we do offer help," said Jones. "This is just another opportunity to make somebody's day and just make things a little bit easier on them."

The Ambulance will be parked near the parking lot off Market Square, with the lights turned on and flashing. People who donate are encouraged to find them as soon as possible, so they can offload their donation and help them to quickly complete the fill. 

If anyone is unable to attend tomorrow night, Jones says it's no worries. Any donations people have after the tree lighting can be dropped off at 78 5th Avenue Northeast in Swift Current. Donations are being accepted until November 25th. 

"Our office hours are 8 A.M. to 12 P.M. and 1 P.M. to 5 P.M.," provided Jones. "So anytime in there." 
