With her recent appointment to the role of the new Executive Director for the Dr. Noble Irwin Regional Health Care Foundation, she is excited for what is to come.
Kris Johnson has been working with the Foundation since 2019 as development and communications. She went on to take over administration and is the longest-tenured employee within the organization. She plans to coordinate and lead the group going forwards using her experience, while still learning as she goes.
"It feels great," said Johnson. "I'm honoured to be given the opportunity to continue to be a part of the Foundation and to make a continued impact."
Johnson comes into the job after a strong year for the Foundation. Recently, the annual Dr. Noble Iriwin Health Care Foundation Radiothon pulled in over $160,000 for the foundation.
After a couple of tumultuous years for the Foundation, the renewed and rebuilt trust from donors represented in their return to radiothon is a big thing to Johnson and the rest of their staff.
"We had lots of people come back as donors to the Radiothon, as well as brand new donors from Southwest Saskatchewan and Swift Current," said Johnson. "It was awesome to see, and that really gave us a boost in morale."
Coming up is the year in review for the Foundation, as well as a look at the financial review.
"Of course, we're also working towards our 25th anniversary for our 2025 campaign," said Johnson. "That includes all the southwest health facilities that we work with as well as Swift Current."
The Foundation's goal in the next year is to raise enough money to purchase equipment for many of the health centres in the region that partner with them.
"It'll be nice to get those pieces of equipment ordered and I think the health facilities will be able to utilize that as they were huge in requesting those pieces of equipment," said Johnson. "It's not the biggest piece of equipment that you can buy all the time. It's pieces of equipment that are still needed to run these facilities."
Finally, the Foundation will also be highering to fill Johnson's former role that the Foundation. Those interested in the administrative assistant role can call the Foundation to learn more.