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The Crop Research Organization of Portage (CROP) held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the Fair Board Office in Portage on Tuesday, December 17, where it showcased the 2024 variety trial results. Shawn Cabak, Manitoba Livestock and Forage Specialist, explained that the organization is a nonprofit organization led by local farmers and industry representatives to serve local farmers. Members conduct variety trials to help producers determine the best crop varieties to plant.

"We held an election for new directors, and then several speakers presented on a variety of topics. We received an update on the trial highlights, discussing the yields of different crops grown this year, including oats, barley, wheat, winter wheat, and fall rye," says Cabak.

Cabak notes that some presentations covered off-topic issues, such as the impact of canola diseases on this year's production.

"Canola didn't perform as well as in previous years, and a representative from the Canola Council of Canada spoke about various diseases, including verticillium stripe, which significantly impacted this year’s crop and lowered yields."

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Shawn Cabak

Another speaker shared insights from the Metropolitan Wellness program, focusing on managing stress on the farm, the importance of recognizing different types of stress, and seeking help when needed.

"Morgan Cott from Crop Alliance discussed corn production. We saw excellent corn yields last year, and interest in corn production is expected to rise in the coming year."

Producers often ask about issues affecting their own farm situations, such as the market outlook.

"We saw record-setting soybean and corn crops in the U.S. this year, and these large yields are influencing prices. Grain markets, including oilseeds, have softened as a result. Projections suggest that Argentina and Brazil may have large soybean and corn crops as well, further affecting prices. The abundance of corn and soybeans was a major topic of discussion and its impact on prices."

The meeting ended with a detailed market analysis and update from GrainFox Marketing.

Cabak adds that those interested in joining the Crop Research Organization of Portage and accessing the 2024 local yield results can contact Jill Verwey, secretary-treasurer.

Verwey can be reached at (204) 428-5074. Membership costs are $0.10 per cultivated acre, with a minimum of $75 and a maximum of $300. Agribusinesses can join for $150 and become Patron Members.
