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Photo provided by the Crossfield Christmas Hampers Facebook page. Photo of volunteers that helped out this year.

It was another successful year for the Crossfield Hamper Program as they handed out hampers to over 80 families in need this holiday season.

The Crossfield and Madden Food Bank spearhead the program. Angela Wigglesworth who is a co-founder of the food bank is thankful for how it went.

"We were able to give out 87 hampers this Christmas with the incredible generosity of the community as the driving force, we are very fortunate to still partner with the Crossfield Fire Department, who delivered all of our Christmas hampers for us."

This year marked the 30th anniversary of the hamper program.

"We're just so grateful to be able to continue with that incredible legacy, and to be able to build on that with the full-time food."

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Photo from when they were collecting donations.

She said she is fueled by the sadness of seeing so many families struggle at the holidays, but is more than happy to help out.

"It's uncomfortable to think that we have so many people in our community who have such need, and there are lots of reasons for that, including the cost of housing, including the cost of groceries and so many other bills."

Wigglesworth wanted to thank the community for all they have done to make this hamper program possible year after year.

"We're proud of our community and proud of the clubs and organizations and individuals who have all stepped up just to support the community when they are needed most."

She finished off by saying the program will be back again next Christmas season.

"We will support our community on an ongoing basis, we always are looking for donations and for volunteers, we will be implementing a new volunteer program in the spring."

The Crossfield and Madden Food Bank only recently opened up for year-round service on January 1st, 2024.

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