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Gordon Janzen speaks with students at Manitoba Ag Days at the Keystone Centre for the Ag in the Classroom program at his Foodgrains booth

With a spring retirement on the near horizon for Manitoba-Ontario Canadian Foodgrains Bank's rep, Gordon Janzen, the first three months of 2025 will be a busy time.

"The first thing for me will be meeting up with the new representative and making introductions to individuals and groups and organizations across Manitoba," shares Janzen.

The new Manitoba rep will also be attending many of the upcoming farm shows with Gordon Janzen, starting with Manitoba Ag Days at the Brandon Keystone Centre from January 21-23, 2025.  "That's always a good community experience and I'm looking forward to that again. So, if anyone is attending Ag Days, please come and check our booth. Come and say Hi!"

Additional spring farm shows at St. Jean and Beausejour are included in the list.

Janzen will also be participating in Missionfest Manitoba that takes place this year at the Church of the Rock in Winnipeg from February 7-9, 2025.  "Not everyone would think of the Canadian Foodgrains Bank as one of food security to be involved in mission work.  But I definitely see this as a Christian response to hunger, and it's a part of our Christian mission to response where there is need. So, I look forward to interacting with people there as well."

Coming up in 2025 will be the continuation of the growing partners initiative.

In 2024, Gordon Janzen oversaw 40 community projects across Manitoba and northwest Ontario, ranging from growing projects to community auctions and celebration dinners.  "And one thing that we saw a little bit more of in 2024 is independent farmers signing up and make contributions." shares Janzen.

"So, that's one of the growing edges I think in the Foodgrains Bank is inviting food producers who are not part of growing projects to join in what we call growing partners.  And that's tied together with other growing partner-producers across Canada."

Janzen says the CFB is trying to reach out to more independent farmers who are not necessarily committed to or volunteering for an already existing growing project.

"We're hoping that attracting more growing partners will be a growing edge for the Foodgrains Bank in 2025," he adds.

For more on the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, their mission and the projects around the world, please visit their website HERE!

Author Alias