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Photo supplied, from left to right, Evan, William and Jacob. "Off the Grid Youth" once again answers the call for help.

"Off the Grid Youth" once again answers the call for help.

Early on in January, "Off the Grid Youth" where asked if they had two laptops to give to a family in need so they could do their school work, and they did just that.

Back in December, they received $10,000 from 100 Airdrie Men Who Give A Damn with some of those funds, they were able to buy several laptops which has allowed them to do this.

Jayden Zemura, a member of the group, talked about why they try and help out their community whenever they can.

"As being a part of the community, we felt we needed to help them in any way possible because everyone needs to be a helping hand every once in a while."

According to its website, the organization strives to equip youth and young adults with the tools to prepare them for gainful employment and personal success.

Jacob Cloutier explained it's a great feeling knowing you are making a difference for a family.

"It feels great that we can bless the family with things that they need. It feels good that "Off the Grid Youth" is the one doing that."

Keagan Barendregt finished off by saying they are always willing to help out the community if they are able to.

"We love helping people, we hope we can do it whenever possible and help set people up for success in their future."

All three members are excited to see what 2025 has in store for the organization.

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