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Moose Jaw landfill. (File Photo)

The clock continues to tick on the City of Moose Jaw’s current landfill and its closure date. 

The landfill is expected to reach the end of its life in 2030, yet there are still roadblocks to getting a new solid waste facility built. 

A proposed site was found in late 2023 just north of the city. However, the proposal was killed when the RM of Moose Jaw denied the city’s discretionary use application in June 2024. 

Director of Operations Bevan Harlton said the reality is the project is back to square one when it comes to finding a location. 

“From the engineering side, we’ve completed and are at a standstill on concept designs. We have a concept of what we do and don’t want to do. From the landside, we are back to our original footing and looking for options,” he said. 

Harlton is hopeful headway can be made this year. 

“I anticipate we’ll be able to have those discussions throughout 2025 because it is something we do need to sort and resolve,” he said. 

A report to city council in October showed that the nearly 100-year-old landfill has already reached its capacity elevation of 577 metres and, at this rate, would reach its maximum elevation of 584 metres by October 2028. However, it could be stretched to 2030 with the best efforts of diversion and more resources. 

Beyond 2030, the landfill would need to be closed, and a new facility would need to be built. 

Other limitations for the city are that operating permits do not allow landfills within 500 metres of places where food is cooked or prepared for human consumption, any buildings occupied as a residence, a school, church, community centre, or recreation facility, or similar public building. Landfills must also be located no closer than 100 metres from a highway or cemetery, and there is a setback distance regulated to be no closer than 300 metres from water bodies. Additionally, there must be an eight-kilometre airport buffer. 

Some of the feedback from residents in the RM of Moose Jaw included: 

  • Land devaluation 
  • Impacts to the watershed 
  • Increased traffic 
  • Project budget 
  • Use of prime agricultural land 
  • Consideration of alternative locations 
  • Lack of transparency and communication 
  • Operations such as litter, odour, dust, nuisance management, etc. 
  • Improved operations and environmental compliance compared to the existing facility. 

More information about the solid waste facility project can be found on the City of Moose Jaw’s website
