The Moose Jaw Kinsmen Scouts are kicking off 2025 by letting the community know that there are spaces available for those looking for fun experiences, outdoor adventures and opportunities to contribute to their community.
Laura Alton, Group Commissioner of the Moose Jaw Kinsmen Scouts, said it’s a great opportunity to foster a love for the outdoors and help cut down on kids’ screentime.
“The age groups that we have open are our Cub group, which is ages eight through 10 and then our Scout Group, which is 11 through 13.”
“In Scouts and Cubs, they're learning skills like canoeing, this weekend they are going to be learning safety skills with how to use a knife. We do a lot of camping, a lot of work outside, hiking, geocaching, and learning how to read a map.”
The scouting opportunities aren’t just limited to the children themselves either, explained Alton.
“What we need for volunteers is people that like being outside and have something they want to teach.”
“If you were in the Scouts program as a kid, we would love to have that kind of knowledge brought forth to this group. Most of the volunteers that we do have are parents of the children within the group. But because our older groups are a little smaller, we need a little bit more help.”
She said that those interested in volunteering don’t necessarily have to be parents, and that so long as applicants pass criminal and vulnerable sector checks, Scouts Canada will provide online training and all needed materials.
To sign up a child to the Scouts Canada program, or to register as a volunteer, check out the Scouts Canada website.