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Bike Cochrane's LaunchPad bike park is one of the Cochrane area initiatives receiving assistance from the most recent round of Community Facility Enhancement Program grants. (file photo)

Cochrane area nonprofit organizations are among the 226 groups recently awarded grants through the latest round of Community Facility Enhancement Program (CFEP) and Community Initiatives Program (CIP) funding.

Bike Cochrane received $77,725 towards the upgrade of its downtown LaunchPad Bike Park and $68,085 for the Frank Wills Memorial Hall.

The Beaupre Community Association received $12,648 for upgrades to its community hall, the Cremona School Enhancement Society was awarded $46,191 to assist with a playground, and the Dog Pound Agricultural Stampede Assoc. received $84,937 for upgrades to its community hall.

They were part of a second intake of applications to the small grants program. Recipients of larger grants of between $125,000 and $1 million are expected to be announced soon.

Last January, the Cochrane Pickleball Club was awarded a $997,287 CFEP grant towards a major pickleball court development in Greystone that is currently under construction.


The Community Initiatives Program (CIP), a project-based grant stream, provided the Kids Cancer Foundation of Alberta $31,665 for a family camp, $50,000 to the Earth Rangers Foundation's school assembly expansion, and$660 to the Heartland Community Association for portable equipment. 

Through the Community Facility Enhancement Program and Community Initiatives Program, Alberta’s government helps support hundreds of nonprofits across the province every year. These two long-standing grant programs support hundreds of projects, such as community park enhancements, museum exhibits, programming at art centres, music and cultural festivals, local heritage events, and social programs that improve life for Albertans.
