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Current Teen Mentoring Match Mentor Rowan and Mentee Ivy out of Lacombe.
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Current Teen Mentoring Match Mentor Rowan and Mentee Ivy out of Lacombe. Photo courtesy BBBS.

Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) of Lacombe & District is launching a Teen Mentoring Program in Blackfalds starting at the end of February.

About a dozen high school students from Iron Ridge Secondary Campus will spend one hour per week with a student from Iron Ridge Elementary Campus. The matches will go on hold over the summer and start back up again in the new school year.

"There's always a need for mentoring in the community, whether it's a youth who's in grade 1 or in high school," said BBBS executive director Brianna Berthiaume. "The Teen Mentoring Program brings opportunity to not only youth who need a mentor but these teen mentors, they're gaining vital skills for life, developing relationships, problem solving skills, communication."

Berthiaume is hoping the connections continue into adulthood.

The majority of the mentors are grade 11 students however Berthiaume notes that any high school student can sign up for the program.

"We're really excited to be able to bring this to the community and we also know these youths that are a mentor or a mentee, as they go into adulthood or into high school themselves, they are going to be more likely to give back to the community in many different ways if they learn what volunteering is and what kindness can do for others," she added.

Berthiaume notes they are looking for business or individual sponsors for the Blackfalds Teen Mentoring Program. Transportation is also required.

Those interested can call 403-782-7870 or email lacombe@bigbrothersbigsisters.ca


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