The RCMP in central Alberta advises against travel along QEII between Edmonton and Calgary due to extreme weather conditions.
A travel advisory and tow ban are in effect for the Highway 2 corridor between Edmonton and Blackfalds. Due to deteriorating weather, tow operations have been temporarily paused. Drivers are urged to monitor Alberta 511 for updates on highway travel conditions.
To the north, the RCMP also warns of whiteout conditions and strong winds between Red Deer and Leduc, where multiple collisions have already been reported. Due to reduced visibility and hazardous road conditions, a tow ban is in place on the QEII between Edmonton and Blackfalds.
The RCMP advises that road conditions are extremely poor in Leduc, Wetaskiwin, Camrose County, Maskwacis, Ponoka, and other areas around Edmonton. Police are actively responding to multiple collisions and vehicle rollovers along Highway 2.
Environment Canada has issued a blowing snow advisory for parts of Alberta, although Airdrie is not currently directly impacted.
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