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A 36-year-old man from Lake Alma is facing multiple charges after a string of incidents over the course of three months. (File photo)

A man from southeast Saskatchewan is facing charges in Regina after a string of break-ins in that city.  

The Regina Police Service arrested 36-year-old Catlin Pelletier of Lake Alma on Sunday. He is charged with four counts of break-and-enter to commit theft, four counts of possession of break-and-enter tools, and theft under $5,000.  

The RPS said there were four incidents over the course of three months. The first happened on November 5th, when the suspect entered an apartment building, opened mailboxes, and stole several pieces of mail. Then, another incident occurred on November 8th, when witnesses heard noises in the mailbox area of an apartment building. When they went to check what was happening, they spotted a man using a screwdriver to attempt to break into the mailboxes.  

The next incident occurred on January 14th, when a man walked up to a home and took all of the mail from the mailbox. This was followed up by another incident in an apartment building, where a man opened up numerous mailboxes, taking several pieces of mail.  

The fifth incident was on January 21st at the same apartment building as the incident on November 8th. A man was seen using a screwdriver to open several mailboxes. When confronted by a witness he fled the scene.  

Pelletier made his first appearance in court in Regina on Monday.  
