Red Deer City Council will hold its regular meeting Monday, March 24 at 10:30 a.m. with a closed meeting at the end, followed by a closed Committee of the Whole meeting.
Items on the agenda include:
Integrity Commissioner Annual Report:
- City Council will hear a summary of activities undertaken by the Integrity Commissioner during the past year.
- The City of Red Deer Council Code of Conduct Bylaw was passed by Council on September 18, 2023. In addition to setting out the standards of ethical behaviour for members of Council, this Bylaw created the position of Integrity Commissioner and Ethics Advisor for the City of Red Deer. The Integrity Commissioner is a neutral and independent position.
Recommendation from the Municipal Planning Commission (MPC):
- City Council will hear a recommendation from MPC regarding the reconsideration of backyard suites in historical neighbourhoods.
- They are requesting Council review the regulations around backyard suites for the entire city, giving specific consideration to height restrictions, lot size, site coverage, developed floor area and historic neighborhoods.
Housing and Homelessness Integration Committee (HHIC) Letter to Council:
- During the January 28, 2025, Housing and Homelessness Integration Committee (HHIC) meeting, the committee members presented and passed a resolution to write a letter to Council to address their concerns regarding the increase of administration fees of the Reaching Home funding Indigenous stream from five per cent to 15 per cent through the 2024 budget.
- If Council accepts the recommendation of HHIC to reconsider the increase of administration fees of the Reaching Home funding indigenous stream, a resolution will be needed to direct administration to undertake this work.
Capital Budget – Sorenson Station Washroom funding source change:
- Council to consider approving a change to the funding source for the Sorenson Station Capital Project ($450,000) that was originally approved by Council on February 24, 2025.
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