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Lives will continue to be set free from addiction thanks to your generosity.

Current total: $212,661 | 106% of goal | 285 supporters 


As our broadcast for the #bepartofastory radiothon comes to a close you can still donate! Follow the link to change a life and put hope within reach for somebody struggling with addiction.

Our total at 6:07 p.m. is $210,261!

THANK YOU to each and every one of you who have been listening, donating, and praying! We so appreciate all of you. We have the best radio audience in the world, and we serve an amazing God. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Thanks to generous sponsors, the first $100,000 raised was matched dollar for dollar this year, allowing many people to double their gift.

This year we had a goal of $200,000. It was a big goal because Adult & Teen Challenge has big dreams and plans for the future of its ministry in Manitoba. Now, more than ever, people are struggling with addiction in Manitoba.

ATC's executive director, Daniel Emond, says that in the first six months of 2021, there were 199 drug-related deaths in the province according to the medical examiner's office.

The ministry hopes to have 30 new beds ready to be open in January 2022 thanks to a recently donated building in Steinbach, Man. Another 100 beds are also in the works thanks to a new building on Kate Street in Winnipeg.

However, none of this can happen without your help.

Be part of a story, be part of a life changed! You can still donate online or call 204.949.9484 to find out more and support their work.
