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COVID-19 vaccination rates have been updated in the Northwestern Health Unit due to the new population estimates released by Statistics Canada.

The previous estimates that were available were based on the 2011 Census and were much higher than the most recent census data. This has caused the regional vaccine coverage rates to be underestimated up until now.

“According to the new Statistics Canada estimates, our population has 6,492 fewer people than the estimate that was previously provided. When we use the new population estimate, our COVID-19 vaccine coverage rates increase,” says Dorian Lunny, Epidemiologist at NWHU.

With fewer people now the vaccination rates for the NWHU have increased. As of Wednesday, the region is sitting at 97.6 per cent of those 12 and older who have gotten their first dose, and 92.5 per cent fully vaccinated.

For those 5 and older 89.7 per cent have received one dose, while 83.5 per cent are fully immunized.

The Medical Officer of Helath for the NWHU, Dr. Kit Young Hoon is pleased with the updated numbers but said that public health officials are using the new data with caution.

“We must take into consideration that some households in our area may not have completed the census earlier this year, which would cause our population estimate to be lower than it is. We do however believe the new rates to be accurate within 2-3 percent, which is still very impressive,” explains Dr. Young Hoon in a released statement.

Though there is a high vaccination rate throughout the region, Young Hoon noted there is still a risk of infection in the region, particularly in the unvaccinated.

“Although unvaccinated people make up a very small proportion of the entire population, the majority of people dying from COVID-19 and being admitted to ICU due to the virus have not been vaccinated. Getting two doses of the vaccine and a booster dose when eligible significantly reduces the chance of severe illness and death if exposed to COVID-19,” says Dr. Young Hoon.

The NWHU is still offering clinics for anyone eligible looking to get their first, second, or third dose of the vaccine. Those who are interested in booking an appointment can visit http://www.nwhu.on.ca/covid19

Currently, in the NWHU catchment area, there are 19 active cases. They include 10 in Sioux Lookout, 2 in Rainy River, 3 in Kenora, and 4 in Dryden / Red Lake.
